What we believe

We are an ECO Presbyterian church. Our faith is based on the Bible (Old and New Testaments). Of course, the Bible is fairly long, so we have condensed our most important beliefs into a document called our Essential Tenets. You can download a copy by clicking the button below.

Our faith is also expressed in a set of documents called our Confessional Standards. These are statements of faith written by our fathers and mothers in the faith. They include: the Nicene Creed, the Apostles' Creed, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Westminster Standards, and the Declaration of Barmen. We recognize these as reliable guides to what the Bible teaches. You can download a copy of our Confessional Standards by clicking the button below.

Want a quick snapshot of what we believe? Scroll down for a quick summary! 

Essential Tenets Confessional Standards
What we believe in a quick snapshot


"Jesus is the answer” is a popular slogan. But what is missing is the question. The question is: “Who can quench our thirst?” In this messy world people thirst for meaning and lasting relationships. People want to experience and know God. People are lost and lonely. God knew we could never get it right on our own. Therefore, God wrote Himself 2000 years ago into our story to become our Living Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Jesus revealed to us who God is and taught us how God wants us to live. Our problem is not a lack of knowledge; it's in our hearts. So, Jesus died on the cross, in our place, bearing the wrath our sins deserved, so that we might be forgiven and reconciled to God. On the third day, God the Father raised him from the dead. Jesus lives and reigns, and someday He will make all things new. 


Of all the billions of people there is no one like you.  You are a masterpiece and God has created you for a specific calling (Ephesians 2:10). Your career ends the day you retire but your calling ends the day you die. Our holy calling is to make this world a better place through our good works (Ephesians 2:10). But how? We need to realize that our world is in a mess (Ephesians 2:1-3) and that we are in need of a Saviour. The good news is that God had sent his Son Jesus to save us from this mess.  Through the love of Jesus, God can change this mess into a message of hope and triumph. Our good works do not save us but only God’s grace. We are not saved by good works but for good works.  The message of God’s love for this broken world must spur us on to our holy calling, our mission.


Following Jesus means a life of joy and belonging. A Christian can be honest about the pain and struggle of life because we know Christ is with us—and we have our brothers and sisters in faith. We know that our strength is in our vulnerability. Through vulnerability we experience intimate relationships. Following Jesus is not something you can do alone. It's a team sport. As believers we belong (Hebrews 10:25). That's how Jesus tells us to do it. He also says that if you love him, you must love his people too. We rejoice that he has brought us together in community, and we strive to share our joys and burdens. When you share a joy, it doubles and when you share a grief it halves. As an ECO congregation, GPS Church ordains both men and women to all offices in the church, because we are convinced that's what scripture says we should do.   


The purpose of the church is to continue the ministry of Jesus until he returns. That's why God saves us: so, we can love God and neighbor. We continue Jesus' ministry by sharing the good news and showing compassion for others. God is changing lives near and far, and we love being part of that. We especially love when God changes lives right in our midst: when people find a place to belong, when they hear the Saviour's call, when they use their gifts and abilities to bless others. The GPS in GPS Church stands for God’s People Serving. We have a heart for others. Jesus did not come to be served but to serve (Matthew 20:28).  Maybe God is calling you? We'd love to help you on your journey.