Life Skills through Bible Skills

Discover how the Bible is still current, clear and compelling.
Life Skills Through Bible Skills
Upcoming Messages

January 14: Buyilding Bridges and not Trenches

Series Title: "Assumptions: Challenging Our Perspectives and Biases"

January 21: Understanding the Nature and Danger of Assumptions (Luke 18:9-14)

January 28: Dealing with Assumptions in our Relationships (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

February 4: Explore Common Assumptions about God’s will (Psalm 37:4; Philippian 4:13)

February 11: Living without Assumptions Through Renewed Minds (Romans 12:2)


Revelation Series
    March 17: The Onslaught of the Evil Trio: The Dragon (Rev 12)  
March 3: Evil Triumphs or so it seems (Rev 5) March 10: Hopeless end or Endless Hope (Rev 7)
March 3: Evil Triumphs or so it seems (Rev 5)
March 24: The Onslaught of the Evil Trio: The Antichrist (Rev 13:1-10)
March 31: Easter SundayMarch 31: Easter Sunday
April 7:  The Onslaught of the Evil Trio: The False Prophet (Rev 13:11-18)
April 14: Another Strategy of the Evil Trio: Materialism and Immorality (Rev 17)
March 21: From a Garden to a City (Rev 22)
YOU are invited to come and experience how the Bible is clear, current and compelling